Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wedding Donuts. Oldies Love. Lemony Stott.

1. I eat the ends of loaves of bread because I feel bad that no one wants them.
2. About a quarter of the pictures in my phone were taken of people without them being aware.
3. I'm afraid. Of a lot of things. A lot of the time.
4. I eat a lot of cereal. It's best when it's really really soggy from chocolate soy milk. What Of It??
5. Yesterday I took a total of 3 hot baths throughout the day.
6. Lately, I really want to get a dog. But only if it's a pretty one... Yeah, I'll be shallow about it.
7. My dad says that bald is beautiful.

I'm allergic to dairy. All Dairy. It's a little depressing for me to know that I won't be able to have my wedding cake shoved in my face at my reception...Cuz that looks like a lot of fun.
Well, I don't know, should I even have a cake there at all? Should me and my new husband have something else instead, considering my circumstances? Or would that be selfish of me?
Would it be cool just to have a huge display of glazed donuts, arranged and piled in the shape of the Salt Lake Temple? hahahahha.
Half of me is joking.

I don't want to turn to a tub of jelly once I've graduated and Drill will be over with...
So I'm thinking of joining Elite afterwords. Or simply just taking a Jazz class at SLCC. I mean, when you dance as much as I do in high school, not continuing in any way would be really sad. I guess We'll see what happens.

Temperance has a lot to do with Self Control. Well... That's pretty much what it is, Controlling human appetites, right? After hearing a talk a few Sundays ago, I've just felt the need to really improve myself in that area.
With that said, I've gotta bring this about... Is it wrong that I'm consistently looking for the faster way to get to things?
I just crave instant gratification. During one of the Conference talks last Sunday, I took away from it that Patience is another form of Self Control.
So maybe if I'm just a little more patient in all that I do, I'll grow. Maybe letting everything take its own time and running its own course could be a good thing.

Not too long ago, I discover a man named Bren Bataclan. He's been leaving his quirky little creature paintings all over the world in conspicuous places for people to find and pick up. He attaches a note to his paintings that says something along the lines of, "This painting is yours for free if you promise to smile more at random people."
I think that that is really cool. Check it out at BATACLAN.com.

My sister is a respiratory therapist. Also known as an RT. (oh, grow up. haha) Anywho.. She was working with a patient, Darla**, that was attached to a ventilator. Since she's got a breathing tube shoved down her throat, she's not exactly in the best of speaking conditions. Let me tell ya, from what I hear, Darla was Not a happy camper. I guess when my sister was suctioning out the mouth slime & grime to remove the tube, Darla was swatting at Jenelle's arms and hands. Poor elderly lady, I can see it now. My favorite part of the story was that since she couldn't talk, she would get my sister's attention, look her straight in the face, and slowly mouth swear words at her. hahahaha. I think me and Darla would get along.
**name has been changed. (Sorry, couldn't resist)

My mom's birthday is on the 10th.
Jenelle and Tim came over so we could celebrate it a few days early. Where did we go?.... Dun Dunna Nuhhh!!! Golden Corral. (chuckles to self).
There's something about buffets that kind of weirds me out. Just all of that food... Just sitting there telling you that "You Can Have As Much of Me As You Want."... I'm not even sure how to explain it. I'm failing miserably. Maybe someone out there will understand my odd fear of buffets. Well, it's not that I'm afraid of them.. uhhh.. Nevermind.
But I digress,
As I was waiting behind a short n' stout, white-haired woman for the onion rings, I fell into a stare at this man, not 7 or 8 feet away. He was obviously Very plentiful in years, and had the most wrinkles on his face and neck I had ever seen. In My Entire Life. His adams apple was protruding quite far and it was interesting to watch it slide up and down when he'd swallow or mutter something.
I really liked something about this old man.
Moments later, I watched the white haired woman that was standing in front of me walk to him and link her arm with his before they walked back to their table together.
I dunno, guys... but It Made Me So Happy.

After the Night Forum at Granger Thursday night, I just really had the urge to go and visit Jon's mom. Since Jon is up at Utah State, I don't really see Susan so often anymore. I was over there for about an hour and a half. We talked about a lot of things, looked at a lot of family pictures.. I was just enjoying myself.
During Conference sessions, family members in the Stott home make soap bars that are shaped like actual lemons. They smell incredibly lemony too:) It's REALLY cool lookin. She was so kind to give me one. I'm going to cherish it. haha.
I really liked something that she told me about Patriarchal Blessings though, I think it's going to be something that will stick with me forever.
Susan is an all around beautiful person.

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